Thursday, November 1, 2012

Dance Party

      The music was blaring "Thriller," and my bobbing, blond-haired figurante swooped her way over to the table, nodding and hopping to the song excitedly cheering, "Yay! Yay! I love this one!"  The dance party was in full swing in my living room and sheer joy lit us up.  Beads (sounds nicer than to say rivers) of sweat were spilling down my husband's forehead and the energy was amazing.  Now I am not a dancer, thanks to the genetic blessings of my father, but after enough "Mom, come on's" I had no choice and joined in the swoopings of arms and collapsings in heaps of belly laughter.  There were ear to ear grins on all of their faces and sweaty little palms grabbed mine as we twirled around together.
     This really was a party I didn't want to miss.  There was no real occasion, except that of the delight of being family.  The attire for this affair were jammies, sweat pants and bare feet and it was by invitation only.  My kids felt no inhibitions and the disappointment and stress of stormy weather and being apart were long since forgotten.  Their security was sure and their contentment was high.  I stood back taking it in, thankful for this moment, right now.  Children's joy is simple and reminds me to let go of life's daily pressures.  Our hot water had been gone for several days, and upon its return, I was met with what felt like the Colorado mountains of laundry, dishes and catching up, a lot of administrative tasks with work, my husband's Grandma in hospice waiting to die, bills to pay . . .life happens and yet, on this night and in moments like these, I'm reminded to let go and enjoy the simple pleasures that don't require much except a bit of heart.  Being around my children brings me joy.   God promises that being around him is what will bring us joy and in that I can find strength.

Psalm 21:6 

Surely you have granted him unending blessings
    and made him glad with the joy of your presence.

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